JOJO Algorithm

The key feature of JOJO is real acquaintances with potential partners with high compatibility. We introduce people who have the highest chances of pleasant communication, interesting dates, and further relationship development.

// Compatibility

Compatibility in JOJO

JOJO compatibilityJOJO compatibility

We have studied many relationship studies and conducted several of our own. Based on all the collected information, we came to a simple conclusion: compatibility exists and directly affects the nature and outcome of an acquaintance:

quality of dialogue;
availability of topics for conversation;
mutual interest;
desire to go on a date;
likelihood of initial attraction and falling in love.

What affects the level of compatibility? Compatibility can be determined by different parameters. For example, one can focus only on astrology or only on social characteristics of people, take into account only physiology or psychology. We believe that every approach is effective.

They all have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we have developed our own compatibility calculation algorithm that combines physiology, sociology, psychology, and, of course, astrology.

// Compatibility calculation

Compatibility Level of Pairs

JOJO avatar
JOJO level

Compatibility in JOJO is measured in points and can range from 0 to 36 points for each pair.

We conducted extensive research and can responsibly say that the number of points according to our algorithm is a very effective way to determine the chances of a couple to build a serious relationship.

0 - 17


Minimal chances of building strong and happy relationships, but exceptions, of course, happen!

18 - 24


Standard relationships that are most common and require efforts from both partners for a positive development.

25 - 31


A very good compatibility indicator, where the couple has an excellent chance at building strong and happy relationships that evolve into a family.



Maximum chances of building happy relationships, in most cases – it's love at first sight, which does not fade over the years.

Try the app's algorithm for free

// Compatibility factors

What influences compatibility

JOJO factors
We ask each user to fill out their profile as thoroughly and honestly as possible so we can get complete information and based on it, select candidates for dating and subsequent dates that suit you.

To determine the level of compatibility, all fields in the profile are important without exception, including:

Chronotype — do you sleep long or prefer to wake up with the first rays of the morning sun?
Plans for family and children — do you want to have children or enjoy only the company of your beloved partner?
Pets — attitude towards pets.

And that's just part of it, we also consider:

synastry — astrological compatibility;
love for sports;
attitude towards alcohol and smoking;
food preferences;
individual interests;
and much more!

// Main in JOJO

Why is all this necessary?

benefit Info
JOJO is not just another dating app working on the principle of a recommendation service where everyone meets based on geolocation.

We want to introduce people so that they enjoy each other's company not just for an hour or an evening, but for many years to come.

That's why we use your data to find a partner with whom you can be happy. You will initially align on many parameters.

benefit Info2
As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote:
Love does not consist in looking at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
JOJO avatar

JOJO is an opportunity to meet someone who looks in the same direction as you. It's easy to fall in love with such a partner.

We will help you meet!